Ways To Avoid Burnout As A Small Business Owner

Ways To Avoid Burnout As A Small Business Owner

Burnout is a serious problem that is very common among small business owners. The passion and excitement you have for your business can see you waking before dawn and working long into the night, and days off can become a few and far between.

If you feel like you’re starting to burnout here are some simple strategies you can implement to help you relax and have a more balanced approach to your work.


Entrepreneurs have so much passion for their business that they often end up “doing it all”, finding it difficult to let others take on even the simplest tasks. Hand over appropriate tasks to competent employees or outsource them to freelancers or professionals. This will free up your time to focus on the bigger tasks and the future direction of your business.

Take Time Off

Everyone needs the time out to relax and recharge and with the added pressures that come with running a small business, it is absolutely crucial. Keep regular business hours and take breaks during your work day. Make sure you take days off every week and plan holidays on a regular basis to enjoy with family and friends. You will come back to work refreshed and focused on your goals ahead.

Manage Your Time

As a small business owner we have the luxury of setting our work hours, however, this can soon turn to into a problem if we are not using our time productively. Know your business goals and prioritize your daily tasks based around achieving these goals…and complete them. Be on time for your appointments and expect others to do the same. Managing your time also includes not wasting valuable time scrolling around on Facebook and surfing the internet.

Unplug From Technology

Once you have finished work for the day (at a reasonable time) shut down all your technology. Turn off computers/laptops and put away your tablets….even take a break from your smartphone for a while.You need a good break from the screens. You can spend this time going for a walk, playing with the kids or doing absolutely nothing at all!

Set Your Boundaries And Limits

Take some time establishing your boundaries of what you will and won’t do and what’s acceptable and stick to them. Be clear and concise in letting others know these boundaries and expectations and learn how to say no. This will avoid wasting precious time and building up resentment.

Have Fun

Running your own small business is an exciting adventure! Find ways to fill your work day with some fun and laughter. Don’t lose sight of the dream and vision you started out with and remember to enjoy the ride!

Don’t Be Too Proud Or Embarrassed To Ask For Help

As an entrepreneur, you are motivated, ambitious, productive and creative but you are also human. As humans we all go through times when we get overwhelmed, stressed, run down or anxious. We all need help every once in a while, so don’t be afraid to ask friends or associates for help.

If you or someone you know is suffering from extreme burnout it’s important to get help. At Blissiree Pty Ltd we offer a unique program which could significantly reduce the effect of burnout.

At Blissiree Pty Ltd, we offer our 8-step Emotional Empowerment Program.

*Based upon a client self-assessment survey, results may vary from person to person